Friday, June 24, 2005

Life is never easy.

It is so true as all of us are going to face different challenges everyday. We can choose to face them and improve ourselves. Or, we can try to escape from them. Sean asked about our definition of success in the mentorship orientation program. I have one for my own indeed, which was modified by myself from a famous statement of Sir Winston Churchill, 'Success is the way to keep your enthusiasm after failures.' Everyone must have faced some kind of failures in their path of life. Donald Tsang could not be admitted to the university, Rudolph Giuliani has prostate cancer, Nelson Mandela was in jail... What makes the above people success is their determination towards their goals, their believes. I can say I am proud of myself at this particular moment because all the things I have now, including my prestige, my opportunies, my knowledge... are the result of my abilities but not my linkages.

Met my mentor today, hopefully both of us can be benefited. I should think of my long term career goal now. Actually I am still having the desire of working in an investment bank...

Worked in C&S for three days already. I enjoy the time there although the work load is heavy. It is because I have a lot to learn there and the atmosphere there is very warm. The experience really changed my preception of the government a lot.

Driving test and exchange interview will be on next week. Let's fulfil my last goal in this summer: UPenn.

Last but not least, I needa meet my friends. Miss them much. Miss the jokes much.

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