Thursday, June 30, 2005

Google Maps

This is HKUST!!! Cool!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005


In order to defence my integrity, I have refused to take the job of working as a summer intern in HKEx but stay in C&S. Stupid? Maybe.


My first choice is Penn while my second choice is Berkeley... but I am now working hard on the information of CMU, which is my third choice indeed. A little bit 本未倒置, but I know it is the rule.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Pissed Off

CFP, CFA... oh god i know nothin' abt these stuffs! I only know that these are hot qualifications nowadays and they appear in newspaper almost everyday. I surly should have more knowledge abt them, esp the exam coz they seems to be crucial for my career in banks... (I say 'seems' coz I reli have no idea.')

I know that I am never a smart guy, I know that I have low IQ/EQ. That's why I am nervous abt the coming interview.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Life is never easy.

It is so true as all of us are going to face different challenges everyday. We can choose to face them and improve ourselves. Or, we can try to escape from them. Sean asked about our definition of success in the mentorship orientation program. I have one for my own indeed, which was modified by myself from a famous statement of Sir Winston Churchill, 'Success is the way to keep your enthusiasm after failures.' Everyone must have faced some kind of failures in their path of life. Donald Tsang could not be admitted to the university, Rudolph Giuliani has prostate cancer, Nelson Mandela was in jail... What makes the above people success is their determination towards their goals, their believes. I can say I am proud of myself at this particular moment because all the things I have now, including my prestige, my opportunies, my knowledge... are the result of my abilities but not my linkages.

Met my mentor today, hopefully both of us can be benefited. I should think of my long term career goal now. Actually I am still having the desire of working in an investment bank...

Worked in C&S for three days already. I enjoy the time there although the work load is heavy. It is because I have a lot to learn there and the atmosphere there is very warm. The experience really changed my preception of the government a lot.

Driving test and exchange interview will be on next week. Let's fulfil my last goal in this summer: UPenn.

Last but not least, I needa meet my friends. Miss them much. Miss the jokes much.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

3 Jokes

  1. I got the 3rd offer in this summer, needa make up a reason again to reject it.
  2. My strength is hard-selling my major. (Or, in Queenie's words: Blow Big.)
  3. The grade of BMGB101 hasn't been released yet. It is because one of the professor has applied the 'extension of reporting grades'. Ah Nam is going to have his interview tomorrow, obviously without his CGA.

This world is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny.

First day at work

I think I am at least a meaningful guy in my department. HAHA!! It is the first time that I can reli feel the culture of a govenment department. All the officials there keep their time well, they won't late for work but also not late for home. They greet me with a useful present... a roll of toliet paper.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I will start my summer intern in the Census and Statistics Department tomorrow. I will work at the Wan Chai Tower... do date me lunch if anyone is free.

Today's interview at HKEx was sooooo tough... Well, that's a lesson for me. Anyway, I don't think they will consider me as a suitable candidate. Luckily it was not the interview for exchange or YF.

Needa practise MORE!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2005

NBA Finals 2005 Game 5

I still think that the last shot should be given to Prince or Billlups rather than Ric Hamilton. It is too difficult for Pistons to win the champion now. By the way, given the performance of Robert Horry in The Palace of Auburn Hills, will Spurs retire his number?

Monday, June 13, 2005

One Italian American Joke

Two Italians were trying to measure to see how tall their flag pole was. But, neither one could seem to climb to the top of the pole with their tape measure. An American came walking by about that time and asked them what they were doing. They told him their delema. He thought for a moment then said, "Why don't you just take the pole and lay it down on the ground." After he walked off one Italian turned to the other, "Isn't that just like a dumb American, we want to know how TALL it is, not how LONG it is."

Thursday, June 09, 2005


編:Ted Lo
監:Gary Chan

我間中飲醉酒 很喜歡自由
常犯錯愛說謊 但總會內疚
遇過很多的損友 學到貪新厭舊

夢與想丟低很遠 但對返工厭倦

但只唯獨你愛我這廢人 出錯你都肯去忍
然而 誰亦早知不會合襯 偏偏你願意等

*為何還喜歡我 我這種無賴
 在座每位都將我踩 口碑有多壞

 何必跟我 我這種無賴
 但是你死都不變心 跟我笑著捱
 就算壞 我也不忍心* 偷偷作怪

沒有根的野草 飄忽的命途
誰像你當我寶 甚麼也做到
舊愛手中一疋布 在這刻寫句號

在地球唯獨你愛我這廢人 出錯你都肯去忍
然而 誰亦早知不會合襯 偏偏你願意等

Repeat *

還喜歡我 我這種無賴
是話你蠢 還是很偉大
在座每位都將我踩 口碑有多壞

何必跟我 我這種無賴
沒大半生 還是很失敗
但是你死都不變心 跟我拼命捱
換轉別個也不忍心 偷偷作怪

Many people say that the above lyrics reflects the heart of guyz, :P

Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Limited

After three months of frustration, I get an offer eventually.

They have deferred the starting date. I am now planning for a trip as I really need some relexing time.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Enjoy your failures

Rejection after rejection, I am so proud of myself that I can keep the enthusiasm. I watched the video clip of the talk given by Jim Chim in UST today, he told us to enjoy our failures. Okay, I am trying hard to enjoy them.

Monday, June 06, 2005


I should say sorry to myself. I shouldn't think that the low marks are caused by the poor efford of others, I should blame myself for the inability to spot out their mistakes. I remember the sentence I said before: 與其諉過他人,何不檢討過失?Yap, I am responsible for that.

No bothersome again.






Saturday, June 04, 2005

Kitchee vs Juventus

As a big fan of Juventus, can I miss their first visit in Hong Kong? Of course not!!! Forza Juve!!! The only regret is the absence of Gianluigi Buffon... really wanna fly to Italy and watch their matches.

LANG 107

What I can say is Doreen and Keith are too kind for me. I know I am not up to that standard.

Friday, June 03, 2005

From CS to CE

Below is what Mr. Donald Tsang, the candidate of the coming Chief Executive election, quoated in his speech yesterday:

Here is the answer which I will give to President Roosevelt... We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

Sir Winston Churchill, Radio speech, 1941
British politician (1874 - 1965)

They will finish the job 啊,明唔明?即係話o個七百九十六人會搞掂o羅。

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It is always good to meet old friends

The only good thing of being unemployed is to have time to meet my old friends. I reli miss them coz I have only seen them for a few times since I have entered uni. By the way, I am so excited about the coming exchange semester... coz I may be able to meet Phillis, my lovely primary classmate. 10 years, can you believe that?

1/6 - Lunch with Ben @ Tai Koo